How to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post in 2021 Video Guide Included

For this particular keyword, it’s natural for volume to drop off during the fall and winter months. Long-tail keywords are the best way to go in modern SEO because top brands are not targeting those terms. And, if you can produce good content while naturally targeting these types of keywords, you will definitely dominate the search engines. As an SEO copywriter, you can write useful content around informational keywords, but don’t expect to convert readers into customers, because most of them don’t want to buy. Instead, use informational keywords in your content to nurture an audience, engage them and build your brand. These are informational because the searchers are probably only interested in free articles, videos, blog posts and lessons.

For this reason, you should always keep your paragraphs short and laser-focused. Using an all-in-one SEO software like SE Ranking or Semrush is recommended for access to the most in-depth keyword data. Keyword Surfer – Free chrome extension provided by Surfer SEO. But I like it because it makes a lot of the other advice more concrete. You can see the tactics get applied and the results. I love the template, especially the reminder that great web copy isn’t written, it’s assembled.

Yoast SEO news webinar - October 25, 2022

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on how to write SEO Friendly Blog Posts. This blog article provides the best tips that a writer could ever see. I have learned a handful of tips to put into my blogging journey. I am still trying to figure out what keywords would be best, but I feel like I have a better idea of what direction I am going now. Thanks Alex for sharing great post once again SEO friendly blog post it’s really necessary part of the blog post and definitely its really helpful for my future blog post.

Think before you write!

At FATJOE, we make our posts easily navigable by breaking them down into chapters and subchapters, depending on the types of blog posts we want to write. To check that our blog post is lightly peppered with keywords once we complete the writing phase. We can also work out how long a blog post should be by following the links to existing articles.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

The best way to make a successful blog post easy to scan and read is to allow for plenty of white space. Successful bloggers who are producing a lot of content typically work with freelance writers who can produce high-quality content for them. However, this method isn’t a scalable long-term solution unless you have someone who has blog post writing as part of their job description. An outline is where the structure of your blog post actually begins to come together. However, the body of your blog post is what will keep a reader on the page.

First, you need to understand the difference between post title and meta title. If any particular step doesn’t make sense for you, do check our comment section as it is full of useful questions and answers. Now, I use WordPress as my content management system and even if you are using something else, the next tips on SEO copywriting remain applicable to you. This is one smart way to ensure your SEO optimized content answers queries that people are looking for. Alright, once we are ready with these data, now is the time to create an outline.

Case studies usually explain what your products and services are. A good case study will show the experiments, research studies and interviews that you conducted, as well as the results that you got. An SEO firm can help in analytics but isn’t absolutely necessary.

Best Keyword Research Tools For SEO: 2022 Edition

In addition, incorporate your main keyword in your blog post's meta description and do your best to describe the page topic to encourage Google to use your description. Meta descriptions give readers a brief description of your blog post. Keep it short but compelling; your meta descriptions should stand out from other similar-topic posts. Even when a blog post is optimized to rank on Google, if it doesn't match search intent for any of the keywords you use it won't rank as high as it could possibly. These are essential for both readability and SEO purposes.